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Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) Training

An outside inspection of a home's ability to survive a wildfire, with in-depth training for homeowners and their families on how to "Think Like an Ember." Trees suggested for removal will be flagged in your defensible space Zones 2 & 3. We work with the homeowner to complete a full report. Nominal donation requested to cover costs. Please let us know your first and second choices for us to come to your home for the 2-hour training.

HIZ Training Signup

What session would you like to schedule? *
ote: Any dates not listed from original FSI Email have been taken and are not available.
Select an option

While we do not charge for this valuable service provided to the community, a nominal donation is recommended to cover the cost.

After submitting, you will receive an email confirming appointment time at the email address provided.  Please contact us at 24 hours prior if you need to cancel or reschedule.

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