The Blue Mountain Forest Stewardship Initiative (FSI) fosters community collaboration through land stewardship, forest health and fire mitigation efforts.
Neighbors helping neighbors for the benefit of all.
Events are are community funded through donations to the FSI. Residents are asked to pay for services received by making a donation.
Our Events & Projects.Â
Slash Events
Time to start planning your fuels mitigation efforts leading up to the FSI Community Slash Event. Remember that August and early September are the annual hatching time for Mountain Pine Beetles. Ips Beetles hatch every 5 weeks or so. Red Turpentine Beetles and Douglas Fir Pole Beetles are endemic in our forest as well. Fresh cut timber and slash emit tempting odors which attract beetles. To avoid "calling" the pests, plan your tree dropping and/or trimming so the slash doesn't lay on the ground for more than a couple of weeks prior to the FSI Slash event. Cutting up to one month prior to our events would be optimal. If you are planning large scale thinning, we can help you with project planning, sawyer/vendor recommendations and put your property on our list for FSI volunteers to load and haul your slash at one of our twice yearly community slash events.
The Bugs-N-Crud team is a newly establish team of volunteers, staffed by residents of Blue Mountain Estates. Â Our forestry consultant, Bruce Benninghoff, has lead the training of the team and is commonly and tirelessly on hand to help diagnose sick trees. Â Look for more detailed information on findings and check out the Education Materials tab for additional information what what the team has found through their site visits to some properties in the community.
FSI Community Brunch
Each spring we gather together with our neighbors to catch up, meet the new neighbors, and about events planned for the season:
We will discuss FSI Plans for the 2024 Season
Presentation on the new CWPP
Forest Health Analysis
Raffle Tickets for prize drawings ($5 per ticket - bring your cash)
Please RSVP By (TBD), so that we can plan accordingly!
Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) Training
Private training sessions for homeowners are offered throughout the season (April - October) upon request. The Home Ignition Zone includes your home and Zones 1 (first 5 feet around home), Zone 2 (5 to 30 feet) and Zone 3 (30 to 100 feet). Residents learn how to give their home a fighting chance to survive a wildfire, by "hardening" their home against an ember storm and completing vegetative fuel mitigation around the structure. Schedule a training for your family and learn to "Think Like an Ember!"
Community Dumpster Event
Each summer the FSI provides the community access to a dumpster for disposal of combustable materials stored around home and other structures.  The dumpsters are provided on a good faith payment basis, at a fraction of the cost of individual homeowners making a run to the Jeffco Landfill.  More information will be listed here in terms of ability to pay.